Fifty Shades of Grey…Hair

“WHAT THE FERK HAVE I DONE!” is the question I find myself pondering on as I begin to slowly embrace the reality and just quietly, the inevitable doom, of turning the BIG Three-Oh-My-Fricken-Gosh O_o

I decided early on in my twenties that I wouldn’t be a “grown-up” til I turned 30 and that day is just around the corner.  A grown-up for me, those many moons ago, meant a career and full-time job, a family of my own, a mortgage and basically being old and doing, you know, what old people do!

Thankfully I’ve done some growing up along the way because I’ve realised that there is no such thing as what one “should” be doing and life is definitely what you make it!

I’ve made travelling the globe one of my priorities and I plan to combine my soon to be Bad-Ass Mutha-Trucka DJing skills with my LOVE for seeing the world and gig around the globe!  I haven’t the foggiest idea of how my LOVE for travel transpired, but what I can tell you is how unforgettable and surreal each experience has been with some amazingly hilarious tales to tell.

So what the ferk HAVE I done?  I guess a good place to start is to share what mine eyes have seen, so I’ve quickly scanned through my sister’s photos to refresh the old memory and chosen some of my faves!

Making my way to Hogwarts at Platform 9 & 3/4s in London, England
Grand Central Station before it got jam-packed! NYC, New York.


Freezing our assets off at Niagara Falls, Canada


Asbury Park, NJ, Home of the legendary and original "Boss" Bruce Springsteen













On the tour bus before catching up with Mona Lisa inside! Le Louvre, Paris, France










So far my itchy feet have taken me to London, Paris, Madrid, Toronto, Niagara Falls, Connecticut (yes, it’s spelt CONNECTicut), New Jersey and New York.  I’ll soon be adding Bangkok to the list in celebration of my Big Three-Oh so I’ll be taking my trusty Mac for live blog updates:)

Above all else, I guess I just want to be a decent human being and the best ME and perhaps these travel experiences aid in understanding and accepting that we are all one in the same.

Bring on Being 30 and Being Ria Stark 🙂

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